Dendritic atrophy in the dentate gyrus of the senescent rat

Quantitative electron microscopic analysis of the supragranular zone of the dentate gyrus molecular layer has shown that the number, volume fraction and surface area of dendritic shaft profiles are significantly decreased in senescent rats, relative to young adults. These modifications of dendritic morphology, which are not associated with age‐related changes in dimensions of the molecular layer or in numbers of granule cells, may result from a decrease in the number and/or length of dendrites. In either case, the decreases in the number, volume fraction and surface area of dendritic shaft profiles found in the dentate gyrus of senescent rats signify an age‐related atrophy of dendrites. Comparison of changes in the number and volume fraction of dendritic shaft profiles has demonstrated that age‐related dendritic atrophy involves predominantly smaller dendritic branches.