Absorption in high-energy photoproduction has been derived using a Regge amplitude. It is found that this depends strongly on the square of the four-momentum transfer t, smaller values of |t| giving much less absorption. This behavior differs markedly from that of the Drell peripheral model with a constant absorption factor. The absorption is calculated for s and t values corresponding to energies encountered in a recent SLAC experiment, and is seen to reduce the cross section by factors of 1220 to 125, depending on t. Factors of this order are needed to bring experiment and theory into agreement. The high-energy asymptotic behavior of the amplitude with absorption is found to differ from the usual Regge behavior. The usual absorption using a Born amplitude is also elaborated and generalized and is compared with recent DESY data. The well-known high-energy Regge behavior of the cross section without absorption, dσdt=C(t)s2α(t)2, is derived for all spins in an Appendix.