The electron-phonon contribution ρep(T,c) to the resistivity of an impure metal, or dilute metal alloy, can be drastically different from that of the ideally pure metal, ρep0(T), if, in the region of the Fermi energy, the conduction-electron relaxation time τ0(ε) for impurity scattering varies with energy ε on a scale comparable to or less than the Debye energy ωD of the metal. This effect is a consequence of the sensitivity of the (inelastic) electron-phonon resistivity to any energy-dependent component in the nonequilibrium electron-distribution function. We present a working formula for the effect and indicate several important consequences for nontransitional metals containing magnetic or nonmagnetic transitional impurities. In the limit of small impurity concentrations c, the alloy and host electron-phonon resistivities are connected to the electron-diffusion thermopower S(T,c) of the alloy via the simple relation ρep(T,c)ρep0(T) {1+(ωDεF)2[S(T,c)S0(T)]2}, where S0 denotes the "free-electron" thermopower. More generally, ρep(T,c), and also ρimp(T,c), the resistivity resulting from impurity scattering, are expressed in terms of the first and second derivatives of τ0 at the Fermi energy εF. The anomalous electron-phonon resistivity will cause sharp peaks to appear in the atomic-resistivity temperature curves of very dilute magnetic-impurity systems (e.g., CuFe, AuFe, AuMn). Experimentally, measurements of deviations from Matthiessen's rule should furnish useful information on the energy dependence of the electron-impurity scattering.