(p,n) Reaction on Deformed NucleiMg25andMg26

The Mg25(p,n)Al25 and Mg26(p,n)Al26 reactions to individual levels have been investigated to assess the applicability of a strong-coupling deformed isospin model in describing the "inelastic" (p,n) charge-exchange reaction. For nuclei in the rotational region, the model predicts a simple splitting of the quadrupole strength [obtained from the 0+2+, ΔT=0, Mg26(p,n) transition] among the members of the K=52 ground-state band in the Mg25(p,n)Al25 reaction. The measured cross section, excitation function, and angular distribution for the 52+72+ transition in Mg25(p,n) are in fair agreement with the predictions of the deformed isospin model. The evidence for a quadrupole contribution to the 52+ ground state and 92+ excited state in Mg25(p,n) is inconclusive because of the presence of a large contribution to the cross section from spin-flip with charge exchange. As in a previous experiment, the measured 0+2+, ΔT=0 cross section is much larger than the theoretical prediction of the deformed isospin optical model. However, the 0+2+(p,n) cross sections are correlated with the analogous 0+2+(p,p) cross sections. In the Mg26(p,n)Al26 reaction, the measured 0+2+, ΔT=0 cross section is three times the 0+0+ isobaric cross section. On the other hand, the 0+0+, ΔT=0; 0+1+, 0+3+, and 0+5+, ΔT=1 cross sections are comparable, indicating that charge exchange with spin-flip and with Δl=0,2,4 are almost as important as monopole charge exchange in the Mg26(p,n)Al26 reaction. The observation of K=52 to K=12 band transitions, which are comparable to K=52 to K=52 transitions in Mg25(p,n), would seem to indicate that single-particle transitions are relatively more important when compared with the analogous (p,p) scattering, and thus that an appreciable fraction of the K=52 to K=52 (Jπ=72+ or 92+) transition strength goes via single-particle matrix elements. It is concluded that a microscopic strong-coupling calculation, in which the charge-exchange part of the two-body interaction includes spin-flip and angular-momentum transfers up to Δl=4, is needed to explain the measurements.