Synthesis in vitro of Psi29-Specific Early Proteins Directed by Phage DNA

The RNA and proteins synthesized in an Escherichia coli cell-free system of protein synthesis directed by Bacillus subtilis phage Ψ29 DNA were studied. Hybridization-competition experiments showed that most of the RNA species synthesized in vitro are early RNAs. Many of the early proteins induced after phage infection were also synthesized in the E. coli cell-free system. None of the late proteins, structural or non-structural, were synthesized in the system in vitro.This investigation has been aided by a grant from the ud Comision Asesora para el Desarrollo de la investigacion Cientifica. J. L. C. and F. J. are Fellows of Fondo Nacional para lu ud Formacion de Personal Investigador.Peer reviewe