A Rapid Method for Direct HL-A Typing of Cultured Lymphoid Cells

Extensive use of cultured human lymphoid cell lines in transplantation immunology has increased the need for a simple and rapid typing method to directly determine their HL-A phenotype. Such a procedure would also permit the use of phenotyped cultured cell lines as a standard panel, thus improving the screening and characterization of cytotoxic HL-A alloantisera and facilitating comparison of these sera among different laboratories. Furthermore, since cultured cells are an excellent source of soluble HL-A antigens (1, 2), a rapid and direct method to determine their mosaic of HL-A determinants would facilitate the isolation and biologic characterization of these antigens. Thus far, cultured cells cannot be used efficiently in HL-A typing laboratories since these cells are extremely sensitive to the natually occurring cytotoxins in rabbit serum (3, 4) that is routinely employed as a source of complement (C) in the C-dependent cytotoxic reaction.