Excited Electronic States ofO2

Excited electronic states of the O2 molecule have been calculated with configuration-interaction (CI) variational trial functions that assure formally correct asymptotic behavior as well as the single-configuration self-consistent-field (SCF) approximation. CI results were obtained by both multiconfiguration self-consistent-field (MC-SCF) and pseudonatural orbital (PNO) techniques. The MC-SCF results are most accurate and are used to analyze the energy curves and wave functions of these states for internuclear separations larger than 3 a. u. All the excited states are found to have equilibrium-internuclear separations at least 1 a. u. larger than the ground state. The two lowest energy states, the Σu4 and Πu2, are characterized, respectively, as shape and valence Feshbach resonances. They are sufficiently bound to make it likely they play a role in low-energy-electron scattering by oxygen.