Computer-Aided Deduction of Mass Spectra Detected on a Photographic Plate.III.Background and Sample Background(Undesired Components in a Mixture)Subtraction

The procedure by which the peaks arising from the background can be checked and subtracted has been reported. The mass spectra of the background and sample were detected in separate runs of the plate under controlled conditions, and were stored in separate dimensions in a computer. The checks and subtractions were carried out on the basis of difference in exact masses and of the ratio of intensities. A similar procedure was also be applied to the checks and subtractions of the reactants(sample background)in a reaction mixture to afford only a spectrum of the species produced by the reaction. The subtractions of the background and sample background were examined for a mixture of benzophenone(I), 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine(II)and2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazone of I being taken I and II as sample backgrounds. The utility and limitation of the procedure have been described and discussed.