New reagents containing high concentrations of urea are developed for micro-titration of calcium and magnesium, with ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (E.D.T.A.) as titrant and Corinth Ca (Plasmocorinth B) as indicator. Magnesium is determined as the difference between calcium plus magnesium and calcium. Quantitative aspects are studied, and accurate titration of untreated serum or urine is believed to be possible; precision is satisfactory. The methods are simple, robust, and suitable for routine use. Normal ranges are established for serum from blood donors of each sex. The mean serum calcium level for women is found to be lower than for men, while the mean magnesium contents are approximately the same. The latter appear to be somewhat lower than values found by flame emission spectrophotometry; in very good agreement with a mean value for plasma obtained by flame absorption spectrophotometry; and intermediate when compared with the values obtained by two other titrimetric procedures.