Bile pigment synthesis in plants. Incorporation of haem into phycocyanobilin and phycobiliproteins in Cyanidium caldarium

A procedure was developed whereby haem was taken up by dark-grown cells of the unicellular rhodophyte Cyanidium caldarium. These cells were subsequently incubated either in the dark with 5-aminolaevulinate, which results in excretion of phycocyanobilin into the suspending medium or incubated in the light, which results in synthesis and accumulation of phycocyanin and chlorophyll a within the cells. Phycocyanobilin was isolated from phycocyanin by cleavage from apoprotein in methanol. Phycocyanobilin prepared from phycocyanin or excreted from cells given 5-aminolaevulinate was methylated and purified by t.l.c. By using 14C labelling either in the haem or in 5-aminolaevulinate administered, haem incorporation into phycocyanobilin was demonstrated in both dark and light systems. Since chlorophyll a synthesized in the light in the presence of labelled haem contained no radioactivity, it was clear that haem was directly incorporated into phycocyanobilin and not first converted into protoporphyrin IX. These results clearly demonstrate phycocyanobilin synthesis via haem and not via magnesium protoporphyrin IX as has also been postulated.