βdecay ofF22

F22 was produced in the O18(Li6,2p)F22 reaction using 26-MeV Li3+6 ions. Following transfer of the target in a shuttle system, delayed γ and β rays were observed with Ge(Li) and NE102 plastic detectors. Several γ rays from F22 decay were observed, decaying with a half-life of 4.23 ± 0.04 sec. γγ coincidence measurements have established that a 1900.0-keV transition terminates on a level in Ne22 at 5523.4 keV, contrary to a previous study. The ground state of F22 is of Jπ=4+ (with 3+ as a remote possibility) disagreeing with a previous assignment of 5+. Accurate excitation energies are presented for seven states in Ne22. Experimental results compare favorably with full 2s1d basis shell-model calculations of the A=22 system.

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