Regulation of Protein Synthesis in the Plasmodial Phase of Physarum polycephalum

The rate of protein synthesis changes very little during the first 2-3 h (S phase) of the nuclear division cycle in plasmodia of P. polycephalum and then increases continuously during G2 phase, so that by the end of the cycle the rate has doubled relative to that in S phase. Protein synthesis appears to continue during mitosis. Fractionation of extracts of plasmodia, labeled with [3H]lysine for 1 h by 2-dimensional electrophoresis indicated that most, if not all, proteins are synthesized throughout the nuclear division cycle. However, 2 metabolically stable polypeptides, the synthesis of which occurs predominantly in G2 phase, were detected. Using a double-labeling procedure, the differential rates of synthesis of 30 relatively abundant polypeptides were measrued in relation to the nuclear diision cycle. As a group, their differential rates of synthesis increase during te cycle so that their actual rates of synthesis increase 4- to 6-fold. This implies that their synthesis is regulated over and above any simple change due to a doubling in the number of genes during S phase.