A study, made on the phloem exudation profiles from Ricinus plants given varying degrees of pre-treatment by massage, has revealed that the profiles are governed by sealing systems of considerable complexity. One of the most interesting profiles observed involves an initial rapid escape of sap from a single cut which ceases after several minutes, then recommences and builds up prior to a second slow decline; this has been called the “rebleed” phenomenon. At least two mechanisms must be postulated to explain this profile satisfactorily. Massage pre-treatment seems to enhance potential exudation quite locally; even half an internode may be treated with little influence on adjacent tissue. The induced build up in potential exudation gradually increased over several days and after suspension of massage declined at a comparable rate. Massage during exudation can be used to stop flow but exudation may recommence after a period, resembling the “rebleed” exudation profile.