Specific heat of CO2near the critical point

We describe an experiment to measure the specific heat of CO2 to an accuracy of 1% along the critical isochore for 4×105<|t|<3×102, where t=1TTc, giving details of the method and the analysis. After applying a correction term for the effect of gravity on the specific heat of the 1-mm-high sample, we fitted the data with functions of the form Cv=A|t|α+B. With the constraint α=α the optimum value of the exponent was α=0.124±0.005. When this constraint was relaxed, we obtained α=0.124±0.014 and α=0.124±0.012. These results are in good agreement with predictions based on renormalization-group analysis and numerical estimates for the three-dimensional Ising lattice. For the ratio A+A of the coefficients of the divergent term on each side of Tc, we obtained the value 0.54, which is within the range of predictions from scaling and the renormalization-group method, but disagrees with the estimate for the Ising model. We also present the results of measurements of the thermal relaxation time of the sample.