The wavenumbers for the librational and the high frequency modes in the ``disordered'' NH4Cl and NH4Br were obtained from polarized Raman spectra with values for unresolved peaks determined by fitting the Raman intensity to damped uncoupled oscillators. The high frequency and the librational modes were studied isothermally (296 K) as a function of volume or of nitrogen‐halogen distance over a decrease in distance of 4.4% in NH4Cl and 5.0% in NH4Br. The librational frequency increases with decrease in volume in both halides with anharmonicity being given by the Grüneisen constants (γ6): 1.30 (``disordered'' NH4Cl V); 0.29 (ordered NH4Cl IV); 0.72 (``disordered'' NH4Br II) and 0.46 (NH4Br V). The volume dependence of the librational motion does not show the behavior expected for a motion in a simple potential. The internal modes of the NH4+ ion are insensitive to phase transition in both halides but depend to a small degree on internuclear distance; for example, the Grüneisen constants for NH4Br are: γ1 =(negative); γ2=+0.022; γ3=−0.036; γ4(TO)=−0.044, and γ4(LO)=−0.065. These interesting results on the internal modes provide direct evidence that anharmonic effects which can be attributed to strong proton‐halogen coupling or hydrogen bonding effects are present in NH4Cl and NH4Br.