Transient Spontaneous Remission

A GREAT deal of interest in congenital leukemia exists, several features of which differ from leukemia in later life. Thus, a disproportionately large number of cases have myelogenous leukemia, and the disease has been observed in far greater number than expected by chance in children with Down's syndrome (mongolism) and other chromosomal anomalies. The general impression of the disease is that of a rapid downhill course,1-6but there have been a number of apparent spontaneous remissions or even spontaneous cures in infants with Down's syndrome.7-14We report a patient with a normal karyotype, who satisfied the usual diagnostic criteria for congenital leukemia, but who had a transient spontaneous reversal of her symptoms for a period of eight months. Report of a Case The child was born to a 19-year-old unwed mother, para 1, gravida 1, having ABO blood group A positive, after a full pregnancy. The pregnancy was