Critical heat capacity near the nematic—smectic-Atransition in octyloxycyanobiphenyl in the range 1-2000 bar

An ac calorimetric technique has been used to study the nematic—smectic-A (NSmA) and nematic-isotropic (NI) transitions in octyloxycyanobiphenyl (8OCB) along a series of isobars between 1 atm and 2 kbar. The excess heat capacity ΔCp(NA) associated with the essentially second-order NSmA transition is found to diminish rapidly with pressure and is not observed for p>1.5 kbar. The variation in ΔCp(NA) with reduced temperature is not consistent with a logarithmic singularity but can be characterized by a critical exponent α=α=0.25±0.05 for all the pressures studied. The excess heat capacity at the NI transition is almost independent of pressure; these data suggest but do not clearly establish quasitricritical behavior. Details of the experimental method and the fitting procedures are given.