Irreversibility line of monocrystalline Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8: Experimental evidence for a dimensional crossover of the vortex ensemble

The irreversibility line Bm(T) of monocrystalline superconducting Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8 has been measured in magnetic fields H parallel to the c axis of the crystal. For low inductions B near Tc, we find a parabolic temperature dependence, BmB0(Tc/T-1)2, while for larger inductions, Bm grows exponentially with T1. We argue that the two regimes reflect the three- and the quasi-two-dimensional character of the respective vortex fluctuations. In both regimes, a Lindemann-type melting criterion yields quantitative expressions for Bm(T) which reproduce the experimental data very well.