N14+He4 and O16+He3 Differential Cross Sections

Thin (∼2 kev) gas targets have been used for high-resolution studies of N14(α, α)N14 differential cross sections for 1.0<Eα<2.4 Mev. Data were taken at five angles. Resonances were observed at Eα=1.533, 1.620, 2.165, 2.351, and 2.370 Mev. The Wigner-Eisenbud formalism was used to extract resonant parameters (where possible) of the corresponding virtual states of F18. Also O16(He3,He3)O16 and O16(He3,He4)O15 differential cross sections were measured for 1<EHe3<3 Mev. A 300-kev broad resonance at EHe3=2.360 Mev was shown to result from a ½+ state of Ne19. The elastic width is 0.11 of the total width.