X-ray studies of the equilibrium properties of argon near the liquid-vapor critical point

X-ray absorption and small-angle scattering have been used to study the equilibrium equation of state of argon in the neighborhood of the liquid-vapor critical point. The form of the liquid-vapor coexistence curve was determined from the absorption measurements. The quantity (ρρc)2PcKT, where ρ is the number of molecules per unit volume, ρc is the value of ρ at the critical point, Pc is the critical pressure, and KT is the isothermal compressibility, was obtained by extrapolating the scattering curves to obtain the zero-angle scattered intensity. The long-range correlation length ξ, which characterizes the extent of the long-range density fluctuations which occur when a fluid is near its critical point, was computed from the angular dependence of the scattered intensity. In the analysis of the scattering data, the consistency of the results obtained by different methods of analysis was used to determine the value of the critical exponent η, which is a measure of the deviation of the scattered intensity predicted by the Ornstein-Zernike theory. This analysis indicated that η=0.10±0.05. The temperature dependence of (ρρc)2PcKT and ξ was studied, both at the critical density above the critical temperature Tc and also in the liquid and vapor phases on the coexistence curve below Tc. Along the coexistence curve, the temperature dependence of (ρρc)2PcKT has the liquid-vapor asymmetry predicted by several authors. The deviation of (ρρc)2PcKT from the form given by the scaling laws was found to be much greater in the liquid phase than in the vapor. The angular dependence of the scattered intensity was different above and below Tc, with the Fisher-Burford equation giving a good description of the scattering at the critical density above Tc and with the Tarko-Fisher equation applying on the coexistence curve below Tc. Several critical exponents were evaluated, including γ and γ, which give the temperature dependence of (ρρc)2PcKT above Tc at the critical density and below Tc on the coexistence curve, respectively; ν and ν, which describe the temperature dependence of ξ at the critical density above Tc and on the coexistence curve below Tc, respectively; and β, which specifies the temperature variation of the densities of the two coexisting phases below Tc. The short-range correlation length R=(kTρKT)1(2η)ξ, where k is Boltzmann's constant, was calculated from the x-ray data, both above and below Tc.