Results of de Haas – van Alphen effect measurements on ordered β′-CuZn (50 at.% Zn) provide the area of contact of the Fermi surface with the faces of the second (dodecahedral) Brillouin zone. If the energy gaps at the faces of the first (cubic) Brillouin zone are ignored, a 12-cone model can be worked out. An energy gap of 3.49 eV at the second-zone faces and an effective mass m* = 1.045me, provide the best fit between the 12-cone model, the area of contact, and the measured electronic specific heat. The gap is in good agreement with present band-structure calculations. The first-zone gaps do give rise to de Haas – van Alphen oscillations, but their neglect in the present model should not affect the calculated electronic specific heat appreciably.

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