Energy utilization in the laying hen in relation to ambient temperature

Energy balances have been determined, using the comparative slaughter procedure, over 3-week periods on groups of laying hens kept at ambient temperatures of 7·2, 15·6, 23·9, 29·4 and 35 °C.Energy intake declined as the environment became warmer (kcal ME/kg¾/day = 203· 1·13°C); heat production, as measured by the difference between energy intake and energy retention, also declined with increasing ambient temperature (kcal/kg¾/day = 151 – 1·11°C). There was a linear relationship between heat production and ambient temperature with no thermoneutral zone or critical temperature.The energy available for egg production remained almost constant at 50 kcal/kg¾/day equivalent to a rate of egg production of 82% at each ambient temperature.