Auger recombination in GaAs and GaSb

In highly excited GaAs and GaSb luminescence bands above the band gap at hν=Eg+Δ0 are observed, which are explained by radiative recombination of Auger-excited holes in the split-off valence band with free or shallow bound conduction-band electrons. An extremely weak luminescence continuum in both materials between hν=Eg and hν=2Eg, which shows no distinct structure within the experimental resolution, is ascribed to the radiative recombination of relaxing Auger electrons in the conduction band. The role of the split-off valence band for hole-hole-electron (hhe) Auger recombination is explained. From spectroscopic data the hhe Auger coefficients Cp for GaAs [Cp(GaAs)77 K10(31±1) cm6 sec1] and for GaSb [Cp(GaSb)77 K10(25±1) cm6 sec1] are estimated, in rough agreement with theoretically predicted values. The dependence of the luminescence intensities of the investigated emission bands in GaSb at Eg and at Eg+Δ0 on the exciting light density and on the doping concentration leads to the conclusion that in p-type GaSb band-to-band Auger recombination occurs. The surprisingly high intensity of the emission, which is connected with a hhe Auger process, in n-type GaSb(Te) and its strange dependence on the excitation power is explained by a band-to-acceptor Auger process. It is believed that this acceptor is the doubly ionizable native defect in GaSb, which is always present.

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