Magnetic resonance imaging of the glenoid labrum

Shoulder complaints are common in the athletic popu lation. Successful treatment is dependent upon the ability to correctly identify the pathologic changes as sociated with a specific disorder and arrive at an ac curate diagnosis. Labral abnormalities are traditionally associated with glenohumeral instability. Isolated labral tears or degenerative changes may also cause shoulder dysfunction. A reliable clinical tool to assess the status of the labrum would be useful for diagnosis and man agement of shoulder disorders. The magnetic resonance images of 48 shoulders that had subsequent surgical examination of their labra were reviewed with respect to labral appearance. Labra ap pearing as abnormal were further classified as torn, degenerative, or eroded. Surgical examination was used as the reference standard. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated high levels of sensitivity, speci ficity, positive and negative predictive values, and ac curacy for evaluation of the glenoid labrum. Magnetic resonance imaging is a reliable and accurate method for depicting the status of the glenoid labrum. Magnetic resonance imaging appearance of the labrum may as sist the clinician in distinguishing the varying forms of shoulder dysfunction and facilitate diagnosis and effec tive treatment.

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