Effects of X-Linked Hemoglobin oph in-Vitro Platelet Function

The in-vitro function of platelets in 1:1 mixtures of fresh whole blood and 10% DBBF alpha-alpha cross-linked hemoglobin in Ringer's acetate buffer was assessed by quantitative aggregation after challenge with common agonists and compared to the function of platelets in similar dilutions of whole blood in saline. Whole blood aggregometry was performed after addition of ADP, collagen, and ristocetin. Aggregation was quantified by measuring the change in impedance as drawn on the chart recording. No difference in mean impedance change was noted between the groups of blood samples which were incubated and tested in the hemoglobin solution and those incubated and tested in saline. In addition, incubation and stirring of the above mixtures over a period of six minutes without the addition of agonists did not result in spontaneous platelet aggregation. We conclude that alpha-alpha cross-linked hemoglobin, in the concentration studied, does not affect in-vitro platelet function, as measured by whole blood aggregometry.