The frequent failure of parasite development beyong the immature stages during insectary rearing work often results in incomplete qualitative and quantitative data on insect parasites. Keys to the larval and pupal stages are therefore an extremely useful aid in completing the picture in a study of A parasite complex.The following illustrated key makes it feasible to obtain reasonably accurate specific determinations of the puparia of the dipterous parasites of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana Clem., that occur in Canada. The writer gratefully acknowledges the inspiration and co-operation of A. R. Brooks during the preliminary preparations for the key. The illustrations were executed by Miss M. MacKay (Figs. 1-14) and R. Sugden (Fig. 15). Each figure illustratis the following: (a) posterior aspect of a puparium showing the location of the stigmal plates and the anal aperture, and any protuberances that are present; (b) one stigmal place and the stigmal slits; (c) lateral aspect of the outline of a puparium.