High-resolution analysis of locomotor activity rhythms indisconnected, a visual-system mutant ofDrosophila melanogaster

Free-running locomotor activity and eclosion rhythms ofDrosophila melanogaster, mutant at thedisconnected (disco) locus, are substantially different from the wild-type phenotype. Initial periodogram analysis revealed little or no rhythmicity (Dushayet al., 1989). We have reanalyzed the locomotor activity data using high-resolution signal analysis (maximum-entropy spectral analysis, or MESA). These analyses, corroborated by autocorrelograms, uncovered significant residual circadian rhythmicity and strong ultradian rhythms in most of the animals tested. In this regard thedisco mutants are much like flies expressing mutant alleles of theperiod gene, as well as wild-type flies reared throughout life in constant darkness. We hypothesize that light normally triggers the coupling of multiple ultradian oscillators into a functional circadian clock and that this process is disrupted indisco flies as a result of the neural lesion.