Two standard cytological techniques have heen modified to stain specifically the interstitial cells of the testis. In Method 1, the tissue is fixed in Zenker-formol or Regaud's fluid for several hours or overnight and subsequently postchromed in 3% K2Cr2O7 for 72 hr at 37°C. After paraffin embedding, sections are cut at 5μ, dewaxed, brought down to 70% alcohol and stained in an unfiltered saturated solution of Sudan black in 70% alcohol for 10-30 min. Sections are washed briefly in 70% alcohol to remove all excess dye, differentiated, if necessary, in 50% alcohol, downgraded to water and mounted in Farrants' medium or glycerol jelly. Interstitial cells: deep blue black; remainder of testicular tissue: light blue. Method 2 is essentially the Champy-Kull technique but specific staining for mitochondria is omitted and the sections are downgraded to water; then they are mounted in Farrants' medium or glycerol jelly without further treatment. In this way osmicated lipoids are preserved. Interstitial cells: conspicuous due to the variable number of black granules in their cytoplasm; the remainder of the tissue: yellow.

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