ANDROTEST©: A Structured Interview for the Screening of Hypogonadism in Patients with Sexual Dysfunction

Detecting hypogonadism, which is important in the general population, becomes crucial in patients with sexual dysfunctions, because hypogonadism can have a causal role for them and testosterone (T) substitution represents a milestone for the therapy.No inventories are available for the screening of hypogonadism in patients with sexual dysfunction. We wished to set up a brief structured interview providing scores useful for detecting hypogonadism defined as low total T (8) showed higher prevalence of hypogonadism-related signs, such as lower testis volume and higher depressive symptoms. Finally, when only younger patients (8.ANDROTEST is a quick and easy-to-administer interview that provides scores for the screening of male hypogonadism in patients with sexual dysfunction.
Funding Information
  • Programmi Di Ricerca Di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale