Resonant scattering of exciton polaritons by LO and acoustic phonons

A change in the shape of the Raman scattering spectrum in CdS is observed when the exciting laser frequency ωi is tuned across the A-exciton resonance. When ωi is below resonance a single LO peak is present in the forbidden Raman spectrum [x(yy)x¯]. Under resonance conditions two contributions to the spectrum can be distinguished: (i) narrow peaks whose Raman shifts change with the exciting frequency superimposed on (ii) a broad luminescence band which is stationary in frequency. The narrow peaks are interpreted as acoustic-phonon interbranch exciton-polariton scattering followed by LO phonon emission. Their frequency shifts and shapes are consistent with this explanation when the anisotropy of the piezoelectric acoustic phonon-exciton interaction is included. The sudden appearance of these two phonon modes when the exciting frequency is slightly above the A-exciton frequency can only be understood within an exciton-polariton picture. This picture must also be invoked in order to explain the shape of the broad luminescence band which is the LO replica of the free-exciton luminescence.