Group D enterococcal meningitis. Clinical and therapeutic considerations with report of three cases and review of the literature

Three patients with meningitis due to the Lancefield group D enterococci are described and the pertinent literature is reviewed. Anatomic central nervous system (CNS) defects, prior neurologic or neurosurgical interventions, group D enterococcal endocarditis, and urinary tract infection appear to be important predisposing factors. Of note is the frequent lack of cellular response in the spinal fluid to enterococci. The mortality of this infection is high (33%) and is probably dictated as much by the underlying disorder as the infection itself. The therapeutic importance of careful separation of group D streptococcal isolates into enterococci and nonenterococci, especially in instances of CNS infections, is emphasized. We discuss the appropriate antimicrobial therapy for enterococcal meningitis.