Improved Neurologic Function after Long-Term Correction of Vitamin E Deficiency in Children with Chronic Cholestasis

We studied the effect of long-term correction of vitamin E deficiency on neurologic function in 14 children with chronic cholestasis. Vitamin E repletion was achieved in all, either by large oral doses (up to 120 IU per kilogram of body weight per day) or by intramuscular administration of dl-alpha-tocopherol (0.8 to 2.0 IU per kilogram per day). With early institution of therapy, neurologic function remained normal in two asymptomatic children below the age of three years after 15 and 18 months of therapy. Neurologic function became normal in three symptomatic children below age three after 18 to 32 months of therapy. Restitution of neurologic function was more limited in nine symptomatic children 5 to 17 1/2 years old after 18 to 48 months of therapy.