Elastic Scattering of 1.2-BeV/cMuons from Hydrogen

The absolute cross section for the elastic scattering of negative muons from protons was measured over a range of momentum transfers of 450 to 850 MeV/c. The muon beam was formed by decay in flight of Bevatron produced pions and was separated from the pion beam electronically by using four gas-filled threshold Čerenkov counters. A total of 3×108 muons were incident on two large liquid hydrogen targets in tandem and gave a total of 56±9 acceptable scattering events, as compared to 48 predicted by the Rosenbluth formula for electromagnetic scattering from protons. A χ-square analysis of the scattered events gave agreement at the 75% level for the angular distribution of the data and the theoretical predictions, and gave with 95% confidence Λ10.16 F, where Λ1 is the conventional breakdown parameter. Hence, in this experiment, the behavior of muons scattered from protons at large momentum transfers is indistinguishable from that of electrons.

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