Structural alterations of α‐crystallin during its chaperone action

The small heat-shock protein, alpha-crystallin, has chaperone ability whereby it stabilises proteins under stress conditions. In this study, alterations in the structure of alpha-crystallin during its interaction with a variety of substrate proteins (insulin, alpha-lactalbumin, ovotransferrin and serum albumin) under stress conditions have been examined using visible absorption, 31P-NMR and 1H-NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy. The fluorescence and 31P-NMR data imply that during the chaperone action of alpha-crystallin under reducing conditions, there is a slight increase in hydrophilicity of its N-terminal region and an alteration in flexibility of its C-terminal region, but overall, alpha-crystallin does not undergo a gross structural change. The fluorescence data suggest that substrate proteins interact with alpha-crystallin in a molten globule or intermediately folded state. The same conclusion is made from 1H-NMR spectroscopic monitoring of the interaction of alpha-crystallin with substrate proteins, e.g. the insulin B chain. The stoichiometry of interaction between alpha-crystallin and the various substrate proteins reveals that steric factors are important in determining the efficiency of interaction between the two proteins, i.e. on a molar subunit basis, alpha-crystallin is a more efficient chaperone protein with smaller substrate proteins. Comparison is also made between the high-molecular-mass (HMM) complexes formed between alpha-crystallin and ovotransferrin when reduced and heat stressed. Under heating conditions, fluorescence spectroscopy indicates that the HMM complex has a greater exposure of hydrophobicity to solution than that formed by reduction. Furthermore, in interacting with heated ovotransferrin, the C-terminal extension of the alphaB-crystallin subunit preferentially loses its flexibility suggesting that it is involved in stabilising bound ovotransferrin. By contrast, this extension is only partially reduced in flexibility in the HMM complex formed after reduction of ovotransferrin. The functional role of the C-terminal extensions in the chaperone action and the overall quaternary structure of alpha-crystallin is discussed.