The purpose of the present investigation was to determine a practical method of vaccination against bacillary dysentery. It has been emphasized that the toxicity of the dysentery group of organisms, especially that of the Shiga bacillus, is such as not to permit of their employment in simple saline or aqueous suspensions. If, on the other hand, their toxicity is removed by the addition of certain chemicals, the antigen of the bacilli is so changed as not to be suitable for immunization purposes. The toxicity of the bacilli can also be diminished by the addition of immune serum. There is no essential difference in the result whether unmodified serum is used or that modified by Gibson's method. The use of serum with vaccines cannot be recommended, in spite of the relative non-toxicity of such mixtures. The specific immunity response is reduced, while the parenteral injection of horse serum in large groups of men is objectionable because of the serum sensitization which it produces. It has been shown that a certain vegetable oil, almond oil, (and this statement may apply to a number of non-irritating, absorbable oils) is capable of overcoming many of these disadvantages. The oil acts as a passive agent in merely suspending the bacteria without altering their properties. The slow absorption of the suspended bacteria from this vehicle mitigates the toxic effects of the dysentery bacilli. At the same time it does not interfere with the immunity response—antibacterial and antitoxic. If the absorption is too slow, however, as in the instances in which lanolin was added, less satisfactory results follow. The proper rate of absorption is as important a factor as the proper vegetable oil. The latter condition has been emphasized in the consideration of the effects of an objectionable olive oil. The neutralization of the oil should be complete. F. G. S. and J. W. S. suffered from severe local reactions, the results of the local deposition of soaps, which are difficult of absorption. As a result of the slow absorption of the dysentery bacilli from the oily suspension only slight local and general reactions follow, and it is possible to give at one time and in a single dose a sufficient number of the killed dysentery bacilli to incite a high degree of immunity. The precise series of events following the injection of the oily vaccine are: During the 1st day, an erythematous area develops at the site of injection, which is not especially painful. There may be a slight systemic reaction, consisting in headache and slight chilliness. After 24, sometimes after 48 hours, an induration appears at the site of injection, varying from 2 to 4 cm. in diameter, which remains unchanged for a few days, then begins to recede, complete absorption requiring from 1 to 3 weeks. The induration remains localized and has no tendency to break down. It causes no inconvenience. During the period of absorption the organism of the host continually receives antigen. The rule of immunology is that while antigen is circulating the antibodies are usually not demonstrable; it is only after all the antigen disappears that the antibodies appear in greatest concentration. Since the vaccine is slowly absorbed, the reasons for the delayed appearance of antibodies, as well as their persistence, become obvious.

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