Significance of Strontium-90 in Milk. A Review

Milk has received attention as a source of Strontium-90 (Sr-90) since it is the major source of calcium, and hence Sr-90, in the diet of most Western countries. This review written from a dairy scientist''s standpoint summarizes the available literature including the recent U.S. Congressional hearings. Included are discussions of (1) the background through the development of the long term radioactive fallout problem, (2) the formation of biologically harmful isotopes in atomic explosions, (3) the passage of Sr-90 through the various descrimination steps from the atmosphere to the human bone, (4) levels of Sr-90 in milk and other human and animal foods, (5) role of milk products in possibly altering discrimination, (6) comparison of Sr-90 levels in diets of different countries, (7) radiation levels received by humans from other sources, (8) genetic considerations, and (9) conclusions and suppositions based on the incomplete data available.