Crystal Structure of a Non-Conductive Non-Stoichiometric Tetrathiafulvalenium Salt: (TTF)3(BF4)2

(TTF)3(BF4)2 crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group P1, a = 8.017(3), b = 8.601(1), c = 11.635(2) Å, α = 108.79(1), β = 100.96(2), γ = 99.09(2)°, Z = 1. The TTF entities are stacked in parallel columns arranged into parallel layers alternating with layers of BF4 anions. A TTF stack is constituted of (TTF+)2 diads interspersed with TTF° monads; the TTF+-TTF+ overlap is of the ring-over-ring type while the TTF+-TTF+ overlap is of the bond-over-ring type. These features explain the low conductivity ([sgrave]powdcr = 2 × 10−5 Ω−l cm−1) of this apparently non-stoichiometric TTF salt.

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