Angular distributions of photoelectrons from resonant two-photon ionization of sodium through the3p0P322intermediate state

Angular distributions of photoelectrons from resonant two-photon ionization of sodium have been measured. Excitation and ionization were carried out with two pulsed lasers, one with a frequency resonant with the 3sS1223pP322 transition. The hyperfine levels in the intermediate state were excited coherently; hyperfine coupling affects the photoelectron distributions through a dependence on the time interval between excitation and ionization. The results are analyzed to give values of three microscopic parameters: the ratio of the radial dipole matrix elements for the production of l=0 and l=2 final states from the 3p level, the difference of the phase shifts of the outgoing electron in the final channels, and a parameter which expresses the depolarizing effect of the nuclear spin on the intermediate state. The phase-shift difference agrees with extrapolated bound-state data, but the final state has more s character than theoretical quantum-defect calculations suggest.