Lattice spacing relationships in magnesium solid solutions

Accurate measurements have been made of the lattice spacings in binary magnesium solid solutions containing aluminium, bismuth, cadmium, indium, lead, lithium, silver, tin and zinc. The results show that the lattice distortion accompanying the introduction of a solute depends on the difference in size of the solute and solvent atoms, their relative electronegativity and, where the valency of the solute differs from that of magnesium, the electron : atom ratio in the solution. Where the solute is not divalent, variation of the number of electrons in the conduction band seems to be entirely associated with the c dimension of the lattice, in such a way that a regular increase in axial ratio takes place as the electron concentration increases. The manner in which this affects the accepted picture of the distribution of electrons in the Brillouin Zones of magnesium is discussed.

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