Charged-particle spectra: 90 MeV protons onAl27,Ni58,Zr90, andBi209

Complete charged light-particle (Z2, A4) energy spectra were measured for 90 MeV protons on Al27, Ni58, Zr90, and Bi209 and 100 MeV protons on Ni58. The energy spectra show a strong angular dependence and the spectral shapes at a given angle for the same particle type are similar in the high-energy continuum for all target nuclei. The non-equilibrium, charged light-particle yields show an A13 dependence and are approximately given by (200±10)A13(mb). One striking feature is the similarity of the shapes of the p, d, and t spectra, if the spectra are shifted by an appropriate binding energy. The relative intensity is approximately p:d:t1:110:1100 at all angles. In the backward directions (θ140°) the spectra exhibit characteristic evaporation behavior with approximately the same slope for each target nucleus for a given observed particle. The slopes of the evaporation peaks (corresponding to a temperature of 2-3 MeV) for the different particle type are also rather similar. The experimental results were analyzed within the framework of the pre-equilibrium exciton model together with the evaporation theory. The pre-equilibrium exciton model using a 2p-1h initial configuration generally reproduces the experimental angle-integrated energy spectra reasonably well in shape, but underestimates especially the proton yield in the region of high-energy continuums.