Zytostatikawirkungen auf die Nukleinsäure-und Proteinsynthese von benignen und malignen Lymphomen

DNA, RNA and protein synthesis of 26 lymphomas (8 cases of Hodgkin''s disease, 5 cases of reticulum cell sarcoma, 4 cases of lymphatic leukemia and 9 cases of lymphatic hyperplasia) were determined in vitro after 1 hr. incubation with some cytostatic agents. Natulan reduced DNA synthesis in 14 out of 22 cases, less frequently RNA and protein synthesis. Nitrogen mustard reduced DNA synthesis in 6 of 19 cases, while actinomycin C diminished RNA synthesis in all cases examined. Prednisolone in low concentrations produced no measurable effect and reduced nucleic acid synthesis only after application of extreme high concentrations. The mitotic poison vinblastine did not reduce nucleic acid synthesis. Most sensitive to cytostatic agents were the lymph nodes of Hodgkin''s disease, while the lymph nodes of lymphatic hyperplasia showed minimal sensitivity. In many cases there was a good correlation between the in vitro test and the clinical effect of a cytostatic agent.