Gamma-Ray Spectra and Level Structure ofCa44from Thermal-Neutron Capture inCa43

γ-ray measurements have been made of the Ca43(n,γ)Ca44 reaction at the Livermore pool-type reactor. Singles spectra were taken with Ge(Li)-NaI(Tl) Compton-suppression and pair-coincidence spectrometers. A total of 280 observed γ rays were attributed to capture in Ca43. Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) coincidence measurements using a three-parameter analyzer system (E1,E2,ΔT) were analyzed, resulting in the assignment of 129 of the observed transitions to 45 inferred levels in Ca44. Comparison of l=1 (d,p) strengths (2J+1)Sn with (n,γ) strengths IE3 leading to the same final states yields a positive correlation coefficient of 0.63. The neutron binding energy is determined to be 11 131.6 ± 0.7 keV.