17O Quadrupole Coupling and Chemical Shielding Tensors in an H-bonded Carboxyl Group: α-Oxalic Acid

We have used single crystal 17O NMR and density functional theory to investigate intermolecular interactions in a strongly H-bonded system. The chemical shielding (CS) and quadrupole coupling (QC) tensors are determined in oxalic acid dihydrate by single crystal methods. With cross polarization from abundant protons, high quality spectra are obtained in 1−2 min from 10 μmol samples. In the crystal lattice, oxalic acid is H-bonded directly to the hydrate with each carboxyl group accepting two H-bonds at CO and donating one H-bond from COH. The effects of these intermolecular interactions on the experimentally determined QC and CS tensors are modeled by density functional theory with a procedure that accurately calculates, without scaling, the known QC tensors in both gas-phase water and ice. The ice calculation uses a cluster containing 42 waters (in excess of two complete hydration shells). The same procedure applied to a similarly constructed cluster of hydrated oxalic acid gives QC and CS tensors that are within 3−6% of the observed values while isolated molecule tensors are significantly different. Comparison of the isolated molecule tensors with those from either experiment or the cluster calculation shows the magnitude and directionality of intermolecular interactions on the tensors. The isotropic shift of the COH oxygen is deshielded by 29 ppm, and CO is shielded by 62 ppm while the spans of the CS tensors are increased by 78 ppm and decreased by 73 ppm, respectively. Magnitudes of the quadrupole coupling constants, which are proportional to the electric field gradients at the 17O sites, decrease by 2.2 and 1.2 MHz at COH and CO, respectively.