Cases of epidemolysis bullosa were probably first described in 1879 by Tilbury Fox,1although Goldscheider2is credited with the first accurate description of the disease in 1882. It was not until 1886, however, that Köbner3gave the disease its present name and differentiated it from pemphigus and other bullous diseases. Various observers have from time to time suggested other names for the condition. As a result of his examination of the sections, Goldscheider suggested the name "acantholysis bullosa." Payne's4case in 1884 was entitled "A Traumatic Bullous Affection Resembling Pemphigus." In 1897, Beatty5also classified the disease clinically with pemphigus under Payne's title. In 1898, Bowen6suggested the name "congenital bullous dermatitis" as being less prejudicial to the etiology. The French describe the disease as "congenital pemphigus." The term epidermolysis bullosa, however, as first suggested by Köbner, has been accepted by most dermatologists. Since