Die isoelektronischen Molekülkomplexe TiCl3(NPPh3) und TiCl3(OSiPh3) / The Isoelectronic Molecular Complexes TiCl3(NPPh3) and TiCl3(OSiPh3)

TiCl3(NPPh3) and TiCl3(OSiPh3) have been prepared from titanium tetrachloride and Me3SiNPPh3 and HOSiPh3, respectively. Both complexes were characterized by IR spectroscopy and by crystal structure determinations. TiCl3(NPPh3): Space group R3̄̅, Z = 6, structure analysis with 959 observed unique reflections, R = 0.039. Lattice dimensions at -68°C: a = b = 1370.5(7), c = 1845.9(9) pm. TiCl3(OSiPh3): Space group P21/c, Z = 8, structure analysis with 4549 observed unique reflections, R = 0.049. Lattice dimensions at 19°C: a = 2127.7(2), b = 947.2(1), c = 2136.8(1) pm, β = 105.081(5)°. Both complexes form monomeric molecules in which the titanium atom is tetrahedrally coordinated by three chlorine atoms, the nitrogen atom of the phosphorone iminato ligand and the oxygen atom of the silyloxy group, respectively. The bond lengths TiN of 171.9(4) pm and TiO of 171.0(3) (in average) correspond to double bonds.