Role of Self-Esteem and Autonomy in Determining Medication Compliance Among Adolescents with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

This study was designed to improve understanding of adolescents' compliance with medical regimens. Compliance with salicylate therapy among adolescents with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis was examined in relationship to two of the most important issues of adolescent psychosocial development—self-image and autonomy. Standardized instruments that assessed these variables were administered to 38 adolescents with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis during the year in which compliance was determined, utilizing serum salicylate measurements. Patient and disease-related characteristics were also recorded, and interactions with personality variables were examined. The data show that adolescents with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis who comply with their medical regimen are those who have high self-esteem and are allowed more autonomy than the noncompliers. The longer the duration of the illness and the more symptoms present at onset, the poorer was self-concept, and hence compliance, at adolescence.