As a means of assessing adrenocortical function, the eosinopenic and adrenal ascorbic acid depletion responses of 26 normal and 19 thyroid-ectomized male rats of the Long-Evans strain, with and without thyroxine treatment, were examined. With Nembutal sedation, the eosinopenic response to ACTH was the same in thyroidecto-mized as in normal rats and was not influenced by treatment with thyroxine in either group. Under these conditions the eosinopenic response to epinephrine was less in thyroidectomized than in normal rats and was distinctly improved after thyroxine therapy. The response of normal rats to epinephrine was not modified by thyroxine in doses leading to hyperthyroidism. In the 2nd test used, adrenal ascorbic acid depletion in response to ACTH, the thyroidectomized rats showed a greater and more uniform depletion than did normal rats, with the same dose of ACTH. Hyper-thyroid rats responded like the normals.