Elastic Electron Scattering from the Magnetic Multipole Distributions of Li6, Li7, Be9, B10, B11, and N14

The magnetic form factors of the 1p-shell nuclei Li6, Li7, Be9, B10, B11, N14, have been measured by high-energy electron scattering at an angle of 180°. Incident electron energies up to 230 MeV (q25.2 F2) were used. The incident- and scattered-electron paths were separated by use of a uniform magnetic field. Back-ground due to charge scattering was subtracted by varying the scattering angle around 180°. At the higher momentum transfers the scattering from those nuclei having spin 32, was dominated by the octupole moment distributions. Results are interpreted in terms of harmonic-oscillator and finite-square-well shell models. Parameters dependent only on the coupling of the angular momenta in the 1p shell may be obtained from the data. They show a general trend from LS coupling to jj coupling as the mass number increases, in agreement with calculations of magnetic dipole moments and energy-level schemes. The outstanding exception is Li7, whose form factor is accurately described by the extreme independent-particle model. (LS coupling is quite incompatible with the data.) The Li6 results may also be interpreted in terms of an "alpha plus deuteron" model. Numerical results for the harmonic-well strengths are obtained and compare favorably with electron-charge-scattering values. It is also possible to estimate magnetic octupole moments, where applicable, with fair accuracy, although these estimations are to a certain extent model-dependent.