Reactivity of two gonococcal antigens in an automated microhemagglutination procedure.

  • 1 December 1970
    • journal article
    • research article
    • Vol. 20 (6), 907-9
In studies of several hundred sera, a passive-hemagglutination technique with soluble antigen of sonically treated gonococci as the sensitizing material for tanned erythrocytes and Neisseria sicca sonically treated material as an absorbent detected gonococcal antibodies in 77% of males and 88% of females infected with uncomplicated gonorrhea. However, 6% of the sera from individuals in celibate religious orders and 18% of the sera from a group of females having cervical cultures negative for gonococci were also reactive with this procedure. Erythrocytes sensitized with an alkaline extract of gonococci reacted with 23% of the sera from infected males, 49% of the sera from infected females, and 2% of the sera from celibate females.