pp+pn reaction at 0.97 Bev is studied under the following assumptions: Boson and fermion-isobars (resonance states) make contributions; the same quantum field theoretic treatments are applied to them as the usual elementary particles; the reaction is described by the sum of the lowest order matrix elements. As a dominant process we take the process in which the (3-3) isobar formation occurs with the one pion exchange or other boson (like ρ-meson) exchange. Our analysis suggests an existence of an isovector pseudoscalar boson with the mass 3 ∼ 4.5 µ (the pion mass). The realistic understanding of the phenomenological pionic form factor is possible in our approach. An also a consistent interpretation can be made of the previous analysis in terms of the boson exchnage model in p-p scattering below ∼ 300 Mev.